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Oklahoma Tractor Pullers Shirt
Tag # 000394

Its a tight fit. But looks pretty nice... Here is another item that Trey is going to hate me for selling... Trey is pretty much responsible for every really cool shirt that I have ever owned.. Including my D&D winter coat, my Iran Bowling Shirt.. And this fine tight T...

Trey is a copyeditor in New York and has a pretty good sense of style.. So much so that some looser who works for as a "culture spy" tried to take pictures of Trey at a club, and started a bogus conversation which he wanted to use as "market research"...

Hopefully we won't start seeing lots of overpriced Oklahoma Tractor Pullers Shirts out there and if we do, you have my express permission to steal them from any store that they are sold in...

Market Researchers have it all wrong.. They find the market before they even have anything to offer...


all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.