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Clay Pigeons, Ski/Snowboard Movie
tag # 000100

No. Not that bad movie with Jeniene Garafalo, No this movie is of a different sort. The name for this film came from reviewing the footage with a friend, who said that the riders looked like skeet flying through the air.

I left Light Work in Feb. of 1999 to help Kris make that film that we had always talked about making. We went to the Ski Industry trade show in Las Vegas with a two minute trailer and somehow convinced a few sponsors to help us finish the film.

We spent most of 1999 traveling from place to place shooting skiiers and riders. We ended up filming in Sweden, Norway, Canada, and all over the United States including Mt Hood in July..

Last year Kris made Tee Time with out me, and is working on Wind-Up Films, third film, The Flying Circus.. Each year things get tighter and tighter, But I still love the first film, and its out of focus super8.

My non-skiing friends even love this film, 25 min.VHS...

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.